This is Bob. He’s a journeyman welder starting his first day of work here at Generic Welding Company. See if you can help Bob make decisions to safely navigate the job site and go home happy at the end of the day.
[[Continue->Decision 1]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Good!]]
Bob finds that his outfit keeps him comfortable and safe during his work day.
[[Continue->Decision 2]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
Because he isn’t wearing any sleeves, Bob’s shoulders get severe arc-flash burns, and he must stop work to receive treatment. The incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 1]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
A stray spark lands on Bob’s linen shirt and the whole thing goes up in flames. Bob must be care-flighted to the nearest burn unit where he spends several weeks in recovery. The incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 1]]Bob shows up to the job site at 6:15am, ready to tackle the day! What should he do before stepping onto the worksite?
* [[Choice 1->D2E1]]: Bob should put away his personal items in his car, then put on his Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). He’ll need to wear his hard hat and work gloves.
* [[Choice 2->D2E2]]: Bob should put away his personal items in his car, then put on his PPE. He’ll need to wear his hard hat, safety glasses, work gloves, ear-plugs, and safety vest.
* [[Choice 3->D2E3]]: Bob should proceed directly to his worksite. He can just carry his PPE with him and put it on before when he’s getting ready to do some hot work.Bob wakes-up for his first day of work. What should he do to prepare for a safe day at work, even before leaving the house?
* [[Put on Outfit 1->D1E1]]: sturdy boot-cut jeans without holes in them, sturdy, closed-toes work boots, a cotton t-shirt or long sleeved-shirt, high-quality work socks, and a weld cap. His weld hood is in his car already.
* [[Put on Outfit 2->D1E2]]: an old pair of jeans, work boots, a thin cotton tank-top, white socks, and a weld cap. His weld hood is in the car already.
* [[Put on Outfit 3->D1E3]]: a pair of slim-cut jeans with distressed knees, a linen shirt to keep cool, tennis shoes, and novelty socks. His weld hood is in the car already.(text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
Bob spends part of the morning next to Larry, who periodically uses power tools in his work. He cannot hear his wife speaking to him at the dinner table late that night. After seeing an audiologist, it is determined that Bob has experienced hearing-loss of 10 decibels or more from his baseline, and therefore this incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 2]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Good!]]
Bob is completely unbothered by his time spent working next to Larry who used his power tools for most of the day. Bob's day continues as normal, and he has a lovely dinner with his wife later that evening.
[[Continue->Decision 3]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
On the way to his work area, Bob is hit in the head by a pipe being carried across the floor by a coworker. He was sent to a hospital and found to have a concussion. Bob must stay home from work for several days to recover, and the incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 2]]Before starting work, Bob’s new crew holds a brief safety meeting at 6:30am every morning. What should he do once he’s ready to safely be on the worksite?
* [[Choice 1->D3E1]]: Head over to the safety meeting. He’ll learn about the safety topic of the day, do a few morning stretches to limber up, and hear announcements related to current issues or changes pertaining to the work his new crew is doing.
* [[Choice 2->D3E2]]: Go to the safety meeting, but do his Wordle^^TM^^ while the foreman is presenting. Do the stretches to look like he is participating, and then listen for information about the project he’ll be working on.
* [[Choice 3->D3E3]]: Skip the safety meeting, and use that time to go to the bathroom and then get his work area set-up. He’s worked at several job sites before and knows what he’s doing. He wants to be ready to jump into his project as soon as his foreman gives it to him.(text-colour:cyan)+(bg:black)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
Because he was playing on his phone and not listening during the safety topic of the day, he didn’t hear the reminder about safe lifting practices. He strains his lower back while trying to move a heavy piece of pipe while bending at the waist. Bob has to stop working and seek medical care, and the incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 3]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Good!]]
Bob learns about the safety topic of the day, which was a reminder about safe lifting practices. After the stretches (which helped his lower back), he learned that some of the materials for the project he was expecting to do have not arrived yet, so he is given an alternative assignment for the day.
[[Continue->Decision 4]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
Because he wasn’t at the safety meeting, Bob did not hear that some of the materials for the project he was expecting to do have not arrived yet, and that he was given an alternative assignment for the day. His work area is set-up for the wrong type of work, and his foreman is irritated with him for not following instructions.
[[Try Again->Decision 3]]Bob gets started with his first project, which is going to involve making a weld outside the designated fabrication area. What does he need to do before he starts?
* [[Choice 1->D4E1]]:
* Put yellow tape around the area where he will be welding.
* Put weld screens around the weld area
* Designate a fire-watch
* Get a hot-work permit
* Have a fire extinguisher within 25 ft. of the hot work
* Wear a weld cap, weld hood, welding gloves, and welding jacket
* [[Choice 2->D4E2]]:
* Put yellow tape around the area where he will be welding.
* Tell his co-workers verbally that he will be starting some hot work.
* Put on his new sunglasses with polarized lenses.
* Say a little prayer.
* [[Choice 3->D4E3]]:
* Put yellow tape around the area where he will be welding.
* Shout, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" in a loud, clear voice and start welding.
Bob sets himself up to make a beautiful weld, and his foreman is very impressed with the quality of his work.
[[Continue->Decision 5]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
Bob is wearing insuficient eye protection, which results in a corneal flash burn. Bob experiences mild eye pain, light sensetivity, blurry vision, and the sensation of a foreign body in his eye. Becuase Bob had to take time away from work to see an opthamologist for treatment, this is considered a recordable incident and OSHA must be notified.
[[Try Again->Decision 4]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
When they hear shouting, the System Owner comes running over. When they find that Bob does not have a hot work permit for his work, they immediately summon Bob's boss and the shop steward. Bob is fired, and the rest of the crew is in jeopardy of being thrown off the job site.
[[Try Again->Decision 4]]Bob’s welds have been going well, and he is coming to the end of his first day of work. What should he do before he walks off the worksite?
* [[Choice 1->D5E1]]
- Set his tools down where they are (it will save him having to get everything out again in the morning).
- Maintain a fire watch for 20 minutes after the last arc was struck.
- Roll up the weld leads
- Sweep the area
* [[Choice 2->D5E2]]:
- Maintain a fire watch for 7 minutes after the last arc was struck.
- Put away his tools
- Lock the tool chests
- Sweep the area
* [[Choice 3->D5E3]]:
- Roll up the weld leads
- Sweep the area
- Maintain a fire watch for 60 minutes after the last arc was struck.
- Put away his tools
- Lock the tool chests
- Sweep the area
Bob comes back to work the next day only to find that several of the tool that he left sitting in his work area are not there anymore. He looks everywhere but does not find them. Bob’s boss is mad at him because his work cannot continue until he gets new tools, which are expensive to replace.
[[Try Again->Decision 5]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Oops!]]
As Bob heads to his work station the next day, his arms full of tools from the tool chest, he trips over the weld leads that he left out last night. Bob twists his ankle and has to seek medical care. The doctor says he must rest his ankle, and Bob cannot return to work for several days. The incident must be reported to OSHA.
[[Try Again->Decision 5]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Good!]]
Bob heads back to the break area, where he can take off his PPE and pick up his personal belongings. His foreman congratulates him on his excellent work on his first day of work, and Bob heads home to a nice dinner with his wife.
[[Continue->End]](text-colour:cyan)[(text-style:"bold")[Well done! ]]
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